
I have had the fortune of being published in a lovely poetry and short fiction anthology at my University called "THE LIAR." I was thrilled to find some people wanting to read it so below are the two of my poems that have been published. Thank you for your interest and your love~

- jen

true love 

soft spoken and soft bodied
with a will of solid gold
she drew me fancy lines
telling me of romantic worlds and
a life of billed greens and greener grass

turns out all she was was green

i left this place seeking
a calmer love and an earned dollar,
less lipstick marks on collars of my
soft white dress shirts
less flashing lights and high percentage drinks


asleep, shirtless, on a summer evening
i had found myself in a beautiful place
but this time, a place self-earned.
my truest love lay besides me, and
the stars were tired, fading out, giving in to morning.

that was when i heard a 'click'
i guess i shouldn't have been surprised to see her there
still greener than the money that filled her empty life.
but there was something else, a colour i'd never noticed before


somehow, i could it see it on her hands,
but worse—
i could see it in her eyes.


over you
i’m running my mouth
on the gasoline that you’ve filled me with,
lighting a fire
on a star-shined road.

your flesh is warm
and i would expect so
but your heart is cold
and with your eyes of stone,
i wonder.

i wonder about the stars
and how god can dim their brightness
let them burn spots into your eyes.
i’d like that, over you.

you hold the key
and i’m waiting to be unlocked.
pray me well,
because i’ll always wait.

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