Archive for March 2013

A Photographic Glimpse Into My Near-Past

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Unknown - within the last year

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Sept 2012

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Unknown -- within the last year

Unknown -- within the last year

Unknown -- within the last year

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Feb 2013

My Chemical Romance Splits, But I'll Love You To Death And Beyond.

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I can't imagine what some people are feeling like right about now. I very much appreciate My Chemical Romance as they have a few songs that were on the soundtrack to my teenage years, but I don't feel righteous in saying that I'm a hardcore fan. I've never seen them in a show, I don't own any merch and I haven't gone on YouTube to make any covers or anything.

But I am a fan enough to still feel a little hollow since the news.

News is: My Chemical Romance has disbanded after 12 good years of making edge, dark, touching music.

I remember them most for their album, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. I listened to some of The Black Parade, and I barely tracked what was going on with Danger Days. However, I'm excited about this because I have something to go back on and discover when I feel it's the time to adventure there.

They certainly picked an interesting time to break up. With four albums and discussion of a fifth for a projected release date for 2013, it seems so odd. But they dropped the news at the opening of the weekend and I have a feeling a lot of MCR fans are laying it low and lighting candles instead of going out for a night on the two for now.

This was the statement on their website:
Being in this band for the past 12 years has been a true blessing. We've gotten to go places we never knew we would. We've been able to see and experience things we never imagined possible. We've shared the stage with people we admire, people we look up to, and best of all, our friends. And now, like all great things, it has come time for it to end. Thanks for all of your support, and for being part of the adventure.

My Chemical Romance
(Also, if you don't believe me, (I barely do,) here's a link to the actual blog post:

Regardless of this unfortunate surprise, they went out well. Something tragic didn't wreck them up, or at least I hope so. They seem to have gone out on good terms. I also know that these four probably aren't going to lay it too low-- creative people need to keep creating to truly live. So they'll be creating something, and I hope to be there to see it.

With that, I'll leave you with some of my favourite YouTube videos of the band, as well as a quote from Gerard Way's, (vocalist of the band,) Twitter to leave it all on a good note.

“Beyond any sadness, what I feel the most is pride." - @GerardWay

FOB Is Back To Break Our Hearts

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This is kind of old news, but I swear I heard about it within three hours of news coming out:


I cried, and laughed, and cried, and screamed, and I may or may not have peed myself! Ha! My good friend and fellow FOB friend texted me with the news, (thanks Autumn!,) and she absolutely MADE MY LIFE with this news.

They have a single that's been floating around. It's on the radio now and it's not really what I expected-- but that's perfect, because I guess that this can be called exceeding or expanding beyond my expectations. Here it is, the dandy thing:

I'm not really well-informed in the realm of music and I didn't really know who 2 Chainz was until I saw this video, and this valentine on Tumblr:

But yeah, the band looks alive and healthy in promotional pictures, despite the threatening ending of that music video:

Their album was due to be released much later than the now projected date of April 15th and 16th. They said that they bumped it up because writing and production had actually been coming along much nicer than they initially planned, which is handy dandy because I can't wait to save up my lunch money for their CD. (I'm 22, and I still do "lunch money." Forever young-- or is it forever juvenile?)

But yeah, I just looked it up and was surprised to find that this is their album cover for an album titled "Save Rock and Roll":

What caught me off guard was that this is a photo that I had seen on the internet, probably a couple of years ago-- and it was one that touched me deeply. It's one of those pictures you just kind of have to stare at for awhile because it is so perfect and so worthy of the attention it demands. Apparently it's a photography by a man named Roger Stonehouse.

The second thing that caught me, but ever so slightly, was the fact that this image was used for an album titled what it is titled. Like, okay, I get it, it's probably referring to the duality of rock, that there's a hard side to it and that there's something soft that lays inside that, or that it can represent their transition or half-transition from the rock they used to play to something that is different, harder to define, etc. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see after hearing the actual album to really get what might be going on here.

The tour dates are out and unfortunately, I was unable to acquire tickets alongside two other comrades who were planning to go because the ticket ordering system glitched at the perfect time :-( It's alright, though-- knowing that they're alive and kicking is good enough for me :-)

After I had flipped my crap about FOB being back together and having a mini break-down, (a good one,) about it, I decided to dress for such a momentous day. This is what I changed into for the rest of the day:


(... And a BlueDrop for good measure :-])

For now, I'm just going to try to survive until the album release date ;-)

- Jen