Archive for January 2012

:: gravity never let me down .

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An interesting evening, this one... Just straight chilling, listening to Gorillaz, checking up on my favourite blogs-- and thought I'd take this time to share one of my favourites.

Vancouver has a great street artist in Jerm IX. The man is fragging genius. Example:

He seems to specialize in stenciling and what I believe is wheatpasting. On top of this, he has a brilliant, poetic blog called Abandonment Issues, wherein he takes pictures on his explorations to old, abandoned places which look entirely likey places from a different planet. It's unbelievable.

So yeah. 'Sit for now. Will be back with more ponderous goodies in the near future :-)

- j

happy birthday, me! :-)

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I'd just like to take a moment right now to say thank you to life, my friends, any existing higher power out there, karma and all that jazz for making my last year fruck-ducking amazing. I am so grateful for everything. And it snowed last night too! I'm off for my birthday (from school at least,) and good food and family and stories and CLEANING are in my near future! I love cleaning hahaha... So many things. Thank you. May the 21st year be amazing in its own way ♥