I have been an on and off blogger since I was in grade seven. I accumulated at least eight Xanga accounts over six years. Other platforms I experimented with were Asian Avenue, Livejournal and Myspace. I believe I started with Blogger/Blogspot when I was in in grade ten and have made and deleted at least five blogs. I have something like five Tumblr blogs at the present moment, and two Blogger/Blogspots among other things.
I have always been a very distracted blogger, unable to consistently publish over an extended period of time. I think it's because I am too eager to serve audiences over so many different platforms. Mostly, I love playing around with blogs-- learning the differences between their layouts and how I can design them to fit my needs.
But I've been thinking about getting more serious about blogging lately. I don't write in a journal and I understand that the internet may not be the ideal place for some of the things one might right in a journal, but I wanted to have a record of my days on earth. Even more than this, I've been thinking more and more about the importance of documenting my artistic journey through life.
So I've decided to calm down and cut down. To minimize and focus. I've got a pen in hand and a couple of options to cut down on my diluted efforts. Not going to lie but I'm pretty stoked guys! Just thought I'd update from my side of the world. Should be getting fun soon.
- j
The Business of Blogging
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and is filed under awesome,blogging,excited,jen,keep it simple silly,kiss,minimal,Minimalism,Minimalistic,simple. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.