disclaimer: reference to in-show violence. possibly spoilers.
I Am Anne Frank (Part II)
- Anne Frank gets straight jacked by Dr. Arden. Stabs her with stuff. Either becomes one of his experiments or ends up in the oh-so-mysterious meat bucket/crate of doom.
- Dr. Thredson figures out the paperwork to get Lana out of Briarcliff. Takes her home to stay with him/insists upon staying with her at her house so she isn't alone on her first couple of days. Tries to get her to shake her girl-attraction but fails... And kills her. (Because he's "Bloody Face.")
- Monsignor smokes more and looks cool
- Kit falls deeper in love with Shelley. Or is pretending to. Does not actually believe he killed Alma.
- Anne Frank shoots Grace. Or Grace shoots herself. Or Grace eats Dr. Arden.
- Sister Mary continues on fucking shit up between the characters, leaving bread crumbs for people to find
- Sister Jude is still annoying, but we need her to be. More snooping. Discovers more about Dr. Arden's past and how he pokes and prods at people.
Needless to say, Wednesday cannot come soon enough. ♥