Freaking Crazy Japanese Style

Oh. Oh hey. Hey guys. HEY! GUYS! Welcome!

Today's blog post will just be a quick one! 

Something I love about Japanese fashion is that there are no boundaries. You want to wear an apron out on the street? Fuck yeah man, you go do that. 

There's something refreshing about the participation of people in representing themselves honestly. Here, people typically roll their eyes or point and whisper if they see something that isn't normal.

If you want to wear normal clothes, cool. But I don't get why people have to back-talk these creative people. Newsflash: normal gets you nowhere.

So here are some of my picks out of the Kera mag I sifted through. Enjoy!

- J

- J

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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