Then I got sad and started thinking about humans and how they get sad even though everything is awesome... And I was like, "Okay, I'mma convert all of my real life demons into video game characters... Or something."
SO HERE WE GO, YO! My fears as video game bosses, in order of difficulty:
Why exactly in purple font, I have absolutely no clue. And also mad awesome shout out to random video game websites for In terms of the problem, I find that I base my life a lot around other people. It is a fault, but I also think that it displays respect. I have some friends who frown on the concept, but to say that this is part of my culture is an understatement. It is one of the biggest sacrifices you can make, and it checks out in my mind. What is wrong with trying to make your parents proud? Sometimes many things, but I've learned and am still learning that finding a harmony between your obligations and your passion is so very important. That's why disappointing those I love is quite a big issue for me,
It's tied in also with the fear of "losing my mind" in the sense that I'm always bombarded with mixed messages. My parents want me to whole-heartedly focus on my education, whereas I know myself well enough that if I only focus on school, I go a little loony. I need art, I need social interaction and I need extracurricular activities. Because I regard my parents so highly in terms of being in my list of life priorities, it is difficult a lot of the time to listen to my desires rather than theirs. So just losing it and being put in that situation is another worry.
Defeating this baddie is equivalent to the difficulty of: Trying to eat ten orders of hot wings that require signing a waver, all within a two hour bracket.
Trust is a huge thing for me. So is Vega, who I found out about 15 minutes ago LOL! Accurate in the sense that when you lose a friend or trust from someone you love, it probably does feel like being knifed in the face by a masked fighter!I'm working on being a better friend, but I believe I'm pretty okay with respect and trust. Belief, in more senses than one, means a lot to me to. I feel there's room for me to put my faith in more things.
Defeating this baddie is equivalent to the difficulty of: Running through a forest, naked, in a Canadian mid-winter, for an hour.
I tried to find the most threatening picture of Bowser around, so don't mind the rabid turtle. I think he's a turtle...Er. Matches my #2 personal issue in the way that it probably feels the same way as holding a very spiky, angry turtle in your hands. Probably.Anyways, anyone who has the confidence problem knows that it is a bitch and a half. You can't help but think about stupid useless crap. There's the problem of over-thinking every dumb detail of ever conversation you've ever had (over-exaggeration?) and then you knock on yourself ten times, only to pick yourself once or twice out of every set. I'm a work in progress on this, and I won't lie and say that I'm over it. I struggle to figure out my worth as a human being and I still have my bad-habit of thinking badly of myself. But I'm getting better, and any step forward is wicked.
Defeating this baddie is equivalent to the difficulty of: Driving a car down a highway with your arms tied to your legs and blindfolded.
Defeating this baddie is equivalent to the difficulty of: Only eating soda crackers and drinking stale water for a year.
And an aside, before I end this post:
For those who have read this post and feel... embarrassed for me, or think this is stupid and a waste of time.. I do this as a remark towards a society that seems to refuse to wear their hearts on their sleeves. I'm doing it because I don't understand why the song "Big Girls Don't Cry" exists, and why boys are expected to hold themselves like they're made out of titanium. I ask a lot of questions and this is one of them-- is there something wrong with admitting to my faults? No. Because it will help me figure out what I need to work on. When things are just floating in your head, they're like dreams-- pretty, but thin and not entirely with substance... Yet. "Give your thoughts life, and let me hear that you're human" is sort of what I mean to say. Tell me how you feel or don't feel, tell me how you love life or don't. I don't get why there's shame in that. There should only be shame in refusing to change.
Another one of my fears that has been consistent since about my second year of university is "Oh hell, what if my future employers come across this treasure-trove of weirdness that I have here." I realize that this is me. I'm not being hateful-- I'm being honest. I swear because I use it as expression, not to burn someone. And then, I guess I sort of just realized this right now: it's fine. Stop being so nervous. Be creative and be kind. Be thoughtful and keep thinking. If you don't like it, talk to me and maybe I'll change. It's so important to have people external to your own mind take a look at you and give you feedback.
I want to help people through whatever it is I choose to do with my life. I want to be healthy, confident, happy. I want to be successful on my own terms. I want to make people laugh when I can. Bottom line-- I want to learn. I want to beat the baddies. So lets do it together.