My favourite picks from the plans and building shared in The Ozarks was the Keenan TowerHouse, Arkansas House, and the Srygley Office Building (but only when illuminated.)
Here's Keenan:
HOW FREAKING PERFECT IS THIS?! Wood, an elevator, one simple room, and you get to see everything happening around you! Also a very good spot to have in case of a zombie apocalypse. Love it.
Next is Arkansas:
Not as big of a fan of this one because of it's size... I prefer smaller studio spaces. Maybe if I had peeps to live with, or if a family comes into play... But on my own? Not a chance. I got this in a lottery and I'd be selling it off, easy. Well. Maybe. It's pretty damn beautiful. And look at that wood! LOL
Here we have the ILLUMINATED Srygley:
Here's Mr. Blackwell's firm website: YEUH BUDDAY.
Some of these designs weren't in the book I was reading, so based on the website, here are my added favourites:
CABINS AT FALLINGWATER HNGGGGGGGGGG!!! WOWOWOW, freaking genius. And the name is pretty legit too, wah!
I am in absolute love with minimalism, both in architecture, in art, and in life. Another thing I find that I absolutely adore apart from the clever arrangement of wood and wooden beams is the use of glass walls. It has to be walls with me for some reason-- windows just don't compare hahaha! But yes, windows that are open to seeing a cityscape, or more, trees, or even more, THE SKY. Like the above. Perfection, man.
And yep yep, that's it for not. Shud probably go study for the accounting final that I'm going to rulez tmr :-)
later days,
- j