Archive for February 2012
:: thank you for all your love
i'm very far from giving enough thanks. i just hope that you guys will stick around long enough to a point where i can show my appreciation properly.
HE'S BACK! JACK WHITE, MY LOVE, HE'S BACK!! And he's back with his trademark simple but meaningful tunes. Oh, St. Valentines, you truly are a useful little thing! You found me someone to fall in love with again :-) And the lyrics to this one are so eerily awesome... Totally my type of thing. AUGH. AUGH. MY HEART, IT HURTS AND IT HURTS GOOD!
:: reads + An Architecture of the Ozarks: The Works of Marlon Blackwell
BOOYEAH MOTHERFLUFFERS, THIS MAN WILL FILL YOUR HEART IF YOU LIKE WOOD. I picked this book up when I went to my Central when I was actually supposed to be picking up books about something completely different.. But, I mean, who could let up a good book about minimalistic architecture involving WOOD. Seriously though people, as you have probably figured out, I am a big fan of light-brown woods, particularly cedar, used in architecture.
My favourite picks from the plans and building shared in The Ozarks was the Keenan TowerHouse, Arkansas House, and the Srygley Office Building (but only when illuminated.)
Here's Keenan:
HOW FREAKING PERFECT IS THIS?! Wood, an elevator, one simple room, and you get to see everything happening around you! Also a very good spot to have in case of a zombie apocalypse. Love it.
Next is Arkansas:
Not as big of a fan of this one because of it's size... I prefer smaller studio spaces. Maybe if I had peeps to live with, or if a family comes into play... But on my own? Not a chance. I got this in a lottery and I'd be selling it off, easy. Well. Maybe. It's pretty damn beautiful. And look at that wood! LOL
Here we have the ILLUMINATED Srygley:
There was actually a nicer picture of this in the actual book. It's 10x more gorgeous there because it just bursts with linear beams of light and it's at a much darker level of night. Ah wellz.
Here's Mr. Blackwell's firm website: YEUH BUDDAY.
Some of these designs weren't in the book I was reading, so based on the website, here are my added favourites:
CABINS AT FALLINGWATER HNGGGGGGGGGG!!! WOWOWOW, freaking genius. And the name is pretty legit too, wah!
I am in absolute love with minimalism, both in architecture, in art, and in life. Another thing I find that I absolutely adore apart from the clever arrangement of wood and wooden beams is the use of glass walls. It has to be walls with me for some reason-- windows just don't compare hahaha! But yes, windows that are open to seeing a cityscape, or more, trees, or even more, THE SKY. Like the above. Perfection, man.
And yep yep, that's it for not. Shud probably go study for the accounting final that I'm going to rulez tmr :-)
later days,
- j
My favourite picks from the plans and building shared in The Ozarks was the Keenan TowerHouse, Arkansas House, and the Srygley Office Building (but only when illuminated.)
Here's Keenan:
HOW FREAKING PERFECT IS THIS?! Wood, an elevator, one simple room, and you get to see everything happening around you! Also a very good spot to have in case of a zombie apocalypse. Love it.
Next is Arkansas:
Not as big of a fan of this one because of it's size... I prefer smaller studio spaces. Maybe if I had peeps to live with, or if a family comes into play... But on my own? Not a chance. I got this in a lottery and I'd be selling it off, easy. Well. Maybe. It's pretty damn beautiful. And look at that wood! LOL
Here we have the ILLUMINATED Srygley:
Here's Mr. Blackwell's firm website: YEUH BUDDAY.
Some of these designs weren't in the book I was reading, so based on the website, here are my added favourites:
CABINS AT FALLINGWATER HNGGGGGGGGGG!!! WOWOWOW, freaking genius. And the name is pretty legit too, wah!
I am in absolute love with minimalism, both in architecture, in art, and in life. Another thing I find that I absolutely adore apart from the clever arrangement of wood and wooden beams is the use of glass walls. It has to be walls with me for some reason-- windows just don't compare hahaha! But yes, windows that are open to seeing a cityscape, or more, trees, or even more, THE SKY. Like the above. Perfection, man.
And yep yep, that's it for not. Shud probably go study for the accounting final that I'm going to rulez tmr :-)
later days,
- j
:: my long time questions to modern day society
i am an individual. i am unique in the sense that i am a one-of-a-kind combination of reused ideas. there is no other person in the world exactly like me. there are people similar to me, certainly, as is the same for everyone i think, but no one is exactly like me.
i find this all quite thrilling, but i have been asking myself and almost lethal amount of questions lately, freezing me up and making it hard for me to function. here are some of them (mixed in with statements/conclusions that i've ended up with:)
- when people say they "don't judge," they can't possibly mean that to the full extent because everyone judges.
- what is the point of Tumblr? i understand that it can be a source of inspiration, but mostly, it seems like a recycling of moments of other people's lives.
- why is it that society, as a whole in general, tends to shun the black sheep when there's nothing freaking wrong with being the black sheep?
- Facebook, in my opinion, puts things in whack. I mean this in the sense that its changed the way that people talk to each other. "Catching up" doesn't really mean the same thing as it used to.
another thing-- i have the desire to be beautiful, but i have thought about this way too much and almost each time i've hammered at the whole possibility of buying myself clothes, dressing myself up, etc. ... more than being beautiful is being true. which, if you allow it, can be synonymous with beautiful.
my studio art teacher shared with the class an enlightening essay the other day, reading it to us as the class tried its best to draw a skeleton on paper with conte. (so difficult, hahaha.) he concluded with his own thoughts, basically telling us that money should never be the main motivation to produce art as an artist.
i know that sounds painfully obvious, but it was sort of a wake up call for me. and big font so i'll notice it straight-away when i come around in the future.
see, i'm a pretty jealous person. it's kind of my vice. like, i'd never do wrong onto someone out of jealousy. it's just something that i keep to myself-- but it's intrinsically destructive.
hmmm... in terms of my appearance and my character-- more, my being-- i am by no means what is deemed by social standards "elegant," or "sexy." i'm this lanky, filipino kid who likes to wear coats that are too large with leggings. i swear like a sailor, love typography and design, and the fact is, i'm quite the walking contradiction. by this, i mean that, apart from my underlying love for irony, i am a kid who has always not always favoured the thought of becoming an accountant... i'm an artsy-crafty kid by nature, but i ended up on an unusual path.
but i hope that somehow, on this journey, i find a way to be elegant and beautiful and great in my own, weird way. and mostly, i hope to make myself my own and to stop giving a shit about what some other people think... because God knows i think about that more than i think about anything else. soooo....
i'm sort of just going in circles with this now, like major brain puke... but i still don't know what i'm going to do about Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook... I've been thinking about it long enough to know that the best idea would be to ditch the world of social media. It may not be like this for others, but it all takes a pretty negative toll on me... But I'm A BIZNE$$ STUDENTTTT!! Social networking seems sort of mandatory...
damn it, this is sort of when i wish there was a manual to guide people in.
business student? Not happy with societal norms? Don't want to be part of social networking but still interested in networking? Then, YEAH OKAY DO DIS !! ---> ________________. if only, right? :-/
i have SERIOUSLY been debating this internally for, continuously, six months now, and on and off since three or four years ago. I DUNNO WAT DO I DO. :-( like, i invested so much fookin time into FB and i have pictures and friends and shit... but like... what the hell man.
and notice how my blog formality sort of just went out the window, puahaha. but yeh, some questions for you to hurt your brain a little. or a lot.