i was never really one to smile .
It's quite possibly the biggest truth of my life. I was never really the one to smile. People asked me to smile and I would try but it would never feel right. I need to really be exploding with "YES" to smile. I wasn't really the happiest kid when I was growing up. It wasn't because I had some shitty upbringing, but more that I feel my creativity was smothered. That, and I was, and still sometimes am, painfully shy. I feel that my creativity is the only gateway to my happiness. At least that I am aware of, as of now.
But I'm happy to say, that I am smiling more than ever. Which is synonymous with me creating more than ever. I think this might be what it feels like to be in love-- because I am. I am in love with almost every aspect of my life. It's insane that I could've been feeling this earlier, that I didn't have to be miserable when I was in high school, that this is what kept me wondering about other people who were kind and happy with their lives.
I predict a great year ahead. So far, 2011 has definitely been one of a kind. I am proud, and most of all, grateful.
- j
This entry was posted on Thursday, December 22, 2011 and is filed under blessed,grateful,life,new year 2011,snap,thank you. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.